Sunday, 29 June 2014

WIth Camera in Hand (2)

Hi everyone, I'm back with this week of photos. The weather has been particularly wintery here with it being cold, wet and very windy. There hasn't been a lot of rain it just seemed like it because of the wind. Needless to say it has been an indoors week, which is probably just as well seeing it's the end of the financial year tomorrow and I needed to get the business accounts up to date.
So this is my week.
I've been working at this for part of the week and procrastinating about it for the other part, hence no new blog posts.
Mr Happy is NOT a reflection of how I feel about bookwork, blaaaahhh yuck.
The beginning of the shortest day
The You Tube Saturday/Sunday DJ
Play time for Lulu & Holly (neighbour) while the sun's still shining. 
The end of the shortest day, YAAAYYYY for longer days.
 A "farm" walk
The above photo edited (B&W, crop & flip)
The sparks fly getting a job done before the crappy weather sets in for the week.
Purple leafed Wattle coming into bud.
Those white specks are snow at Shelley on our way to Wodonga, brrrrrrr.
What do you do when you have an idea and no pencil and paper? You down load a sketchbook app for your phone.
(Sketchbook MobileX, free version, if you're interested)
 Inside job for the boys - before
 and nearly finished.  
A brief bit of sunshine but
this is more reflective of the weather this week.
A hand portrait while I have fingernails
(Yep, usually bite them) 
Something in the mail for me (a late Mother's day present). I like surprises.
Hand embroidery with crocheted edges brought for show & tell at Craft Group.
That's the photos for this week and as you can see not much craft, cooking or gardening going on but I hope to remedy that this week. 
I will be back soon with a couple of posts that are nearly ready so until then

I would love your feedback. You can either comment here, or you can also comment or follow me on Facebook or Instagram @oneearlybird


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