Monday, 23 March 2015

I'm Back

Hi Everyone,
Yes I know it's been a looooong time since I've been here. I could go into a very long winded explanation about why I haven't posted anything for, eeeeeek, over five months, but that could get a little boring. If you follow me on Facebook and Instagram you will have a general idea about what I've been up to, but for those who don't let me summarise.
Garden Getabout is an open garden weekend on the second weekend in November. We have our garden open and I'm one of the coordinators so for several weeks before I pretty well eat, drink and sleep garden. And just to put a bit more pressure on myself I also have a my craft work on display to greet visitors.
Ross turned 50 in mid December, so after a bit of down time following the Garden Getabout, it was time to think about a birthday celebration. Even though someone didn't want to make a big deal about it, mainly because he didn't want to make too much work for me, we eventually decided to have a casual lunchtime barbeque with family and a few friends. As the day approached it became of obvious that it was going to be a bit more than a casual barbie but people offered to bring salads and my ever reliable party prep side kick Heidi came home a couple of days early and helped with some cooking and made the White Chocolate Cherry Ripe Mud birthday cake, so it resulted in a great day.
We love Christmas in our house (I've heard, believe it or not, that some people don't). We have traditions that have developed over the years, a real Christmas tree with hand made decorations, Christmas Eve mass, a treasure hunt (yes even though the kids are 28, 24 & 22), just to name a few.
This year lunch was at Ross' sister's with all of his family. We had a home made 'Kris Kringle' and everyone put a lot of thought and/or work into their gifts which made for a fun filled afternoon with lots of laughter.
Boxing Day we headed to our annual holiday destination of Narooma where had a lovely relaxing break of nearly 2 weeks.
All the busyness in the later part of 2014 meant I hadn't really had a chance to do any major patchwork projects. In fact apart from making a few projects for the Friday craft group at the Neighbourhood Centre and finishing a quilt off for my Garden Getabout craft display I hadn't done much since early April. Admittedly I had swapped my fabric & sewing machine for wool & crochet hook over the winter, which was fun, but by the time January came around the patchwork itch definitely needed scratching. So scratch I have, like a dog with a flea. The itch has eased a little but my head is still full of ideas just waiting to materialise.
I always been pretty self motivated when it comes to exercise but what with one thing or another the motivation has been a bit spasmodic over the last year or so. I don't like being unfit so after the Garden Getabout I gave myself a kick in the but and decided I needed to do some form of exercise a least 5 days a week whether wanted to or not. I started walk/running every week day and just before Christmas I joined the local Metafit group to work on strength training and add some variety. It has been a lot of fun and I'm enjoying my renewed fitness.
There you have it, between all these goings on and my blogging mojo going into hibernation, that is why I have been absent from this space. I'm hoping, now that I'm back, I'll get into the swing of posting regularly again. I have lots to share, it's just a matter of having or making the time.
Hope you've enjoyed the catch up

Thanks for popping by and until next time 

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